Monday, 17 November 2014

Unit 2C: delivering project.

When I got home I created an invitation for the event using Photoshop, it included information and time. I found it easy to use PhotoShop as I had used it before so this part was relatively easy, it just took tome to crop the camera using the magnetic crop tool to make it look more attractive and professional.

I took a few goes as I sometimes missed out spelling and the information so when I showed it to the others they pointed it out, which allowed me to correct my errors before I was to allowed to put it up on the internet, to make it more professional.

When it was done I uploaded it on a Facebook event, which was created to inform family about the event. However it had to be remade as the one which was made was private and you had to be invited so when it was changes someone else uploaded the invitations for me.

 this part was more independent then teamwork as I did ask the others for their opinion and kept them updated on what I was doing however I had to make sure the invites were done on time and I had to put them on the events page, giving everyone plenty of time to see it and show their friends an family. This meant a lot of time management skills, but I had done it. This was a great achievement as I had never worked on marketing projects before and doing this gave me the experience and confidence to di it again, if ever needed.

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